Spieckerman Speaks Retail Podcast

When Will the Category-Killing Carnage End?
A new breed of retail chain emerged in the 80s that spelled a last hurrah for brick & mortar before the digital floodgates opened in the 90s. Then came Amazon and its wake of digital competitors, slaying niches without mercy. A recent wave of retail bankruptcies attests to how category killing was a great model…until it wasn’t.

2023 Will be the Year of the Store
After years of investing in digital and E-commerce capabilities, retailers and brands are swinging attention back to their bricks. A wave of innovation and diversification is set to crest in 2023 and stores will be hubs for much of the action.

When More is More: Harnessing Retail’s Data Deluge
Inventory planning and pricing strategy have become moving targets for retailers, particularly as inflation lingers on a global scale. Retailers have access to more data from more sources than ever before yet making sense of it and making good decisions from it has never been more challenging. Carol’s guest Hélène Clary serves as the VP of business development for ClicData, an end-to-end data platform that enables thousands of businesses to track performance and accelerate growth through powerful analytics. In this episode, Carol and Hélène discuss the new standards for data collection and action and Hélène shares use cases that showcase best practices.