Why Going Retro with Recruiting Just Won’t Work

About Episode 12 (Supplier mistake #6)

Retail’s reinvention will permanently transform organizational structures, roles, and responsibilities. New titles, new players, and flattened reporting structures are the new norm and no two retailers are taking the same approach. As new decision-makers and influencers step in, that spells opportunity for suppliers and solution providers that step up. So why are so many supplier companies still using old-school standards, to hire old-school talent, to take on retail’s new-school retail opportunities? As the retail game changes, so must your player line-up, particularly in sales and business development. In this episode, Carol draws powerful contrasts between traditional hiring standards and the new criteria that will power your retail business into the future.

In this episode you’ll learn:

•        Why contacts and connections no longer count

•        Why you can’t afford to let “lone wolves” go on the prowl 

•        Why gender balance (still) sets you apart

•        Why alignment between sales and marketing is elusive (yet essential)


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