It’s Time to Hone Your Holiday Hustle

As unpredictable, chaotic, and downright exhausting as 2020 has been, this is no time to take your foot off the gas. In fact, the fourth quarter and holiday retail season are a terrific time to make your move and pull out all the stops. After all, ‘tis the season when your retail partners are engaged and determined to make things happen while your competitors could be kicking back! In this episode, Carol shares personal anecdotes and real-world retail dynamics to support your end-of-year offensive. She wraps up the episode by revealing three shifts that will shape the 2020 holiday shopping season.

In this episode you’ll learn:

•        Why retailers move faster at the end of the year

•        How holiday vigilance tees up your 2021

•        Three shifts that will shape the holiday shopping season

•        Why price plunges may not materialize even as value prevails


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