Walmart's Vendorville Remod + Great Value Crawls Out
Checked in on Walmart store #100's remodel-in-progress today. According to a store associate, they're on day 17 of the remodel and 90 days are allotted for such things. Highlights are: Much wider aisles, better adjacencies (shoes behind apparel instead of waaaay in the back), brighter colors on outside walls (draw-the-eye- forward light blue and yellow vs. slam-on-the-eye-brakes grey), super clear sight lines. Store 100 never was a slouch; however, now it has caught up with the Rogers store #1 (the store that newbie vendors don't know to visit). Check my Twitter stream for pics
First, there was pizza . . . and now, broader sightings of the re-launch of Walmart’s Great Value brand ( and see previous posts). Private label re-works are all the rage in food these days and we'll be covering others' shortly. 'Til then, here are a few pics . . .