Carol Spieckerman’s Retail Insights
Walmart Hands Over the Keys to Loyalty Members
Carol Spieckerman outlines why Walmart’s latest theft-thwarting modification checks many boxes.
Retail Crime Scene Wrap-up
Carol Spieckerman weighs in with multiple major news outlets on why retailers are determined to take a bite out of retail crime, even if it means failing fast.
These are the products being targeted by organized crime
Carol Spieckerman speaks with Dow Jones Marketwatch on the impact crime is having on retailers’ bottom lines and which categories are tasty targets.
Carol Spieckerman Discusses INFORM Consumers Act on China Global Television Network (CGTN)
Carol Spieckerman speaks with the China Global Television Network (CGTN) on how the INFORM Consumers Act will take a bite out of retail crime.
Walmart’s Chicagoland Closures Tell a Bigger Story
Carol Spieckerman speaks with The Street on Walmart’s Chicago store closures and retail theft non-disclosure
Retailers Put ’22 Theft Toll Near $100B
When it comes to retail theft, legislation hasn’t caught up with reality. Carol Spieckerman forecasts big investments in theft-thwarting technology in 2023.