Preparing Brick and Mortar for a Great Reopening

As retailers attempt to pull the trigger on reopening brick and mortar in a big way, they know they have to get it right the first time. Yet so much confusion surrounds what is even possible as the corona crisis plays out. Restoring consumer confidence will require clear answers, actionable best practices, and herculean effort. As CEO of facilities management leader, ServiceChannelTom Buiocchi is in the business of making that happen for over 500 name brands across 350,000-plus locations. In this Spieckerman Speaks Retail episode, Carol and Tom discuss what it will really take to get brick and mortar retail rolling once again.

In this interview, you’ll learn:

  1. How data will drive retailers’ restart plans

  2. Why retail formats and fixtures will never be the same in the wake of COVID-19

  3. Which compliance tracking tools will emerge as high touch becomes high stakes

  4. Why phased approaches are essential for being reopening-ready

Guest contact information:

Tom Buiocchi email

LinkedIn profile


Resources discussed in the episode



Why Retail’s Private Brand Party is Just Getting Started


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