New York Retail Flagship Showdown. And the Winner Is…

Me in my perch high atop Times Square (yeah, I'm really THERE).

Last week’s New York retail safari was a total blast. We kicked the day off with my presentation “The Store is the Core in 2024” to get the low-down on why stores are once again at the center of the action.

From there, my clients and I hit the ground running to check out a curated, category-defying hot list of flagships and new formats. To my surprise, Banana Republic’s just-opened showcase on Broadway won the day - its restrained and dignified vibe (with just the right splash of “wow”), surpassing all manner of digital showboats.

How refreshing!

Check out my Retail Gets Deep article, Large and in Charge, Why Flagships Aren’t Flagging in the Digital Age.


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