I (heart) Mark Cuban

Yesterday, Mark Cuban posted a blog entry that began with a quote from Alan Kay, "The best way to predict the future is to invent it." A few days earlier, my article for the April issue of Biz2Biz NWA (pg. 22) began with Henry Ford's quote, "If I had asked them what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse."  Two very different ways of introducing the same point: customers aren't always right and in fact, responding to customer needs alone will kill your advantage.

When it comes to retailers' brand and product selections, the tried and true philosophy of "Give them what they want" still weighs in, however, "Show them what they will get" is fast gaining ground.  Something for suppliers to think about . . .  


NARMS 2010 Wrap-up Coming Soon


EVP Linda Hefner Shares Vision: Serving Member Needs the Sam's Way