Starbucks Tries Tea and Toddies

Retail Wire Discussion: Starbucks to expand alcohol sales, partner with Oprah...

This is a great way for Starbucks to make the most of its physical assets and to extend the value into new day parts (or in this case, night parts). I can see Starbucks attracting a crowd that is turned off by loud bars and televisions/music blaring. Starbucks managed to disconnect millions of customers from coffee-makers, now they are going after the cork screw. Once again, it is primarily an alternative, not to other cafes or restaurants, but to staying home/at work. Very in-brand if you ask me and yet another excuse for its customers to refill their Starbucks cards.

The Oprah tea association isn't just a celebrity deal, it has a charitable component that will drive interest. There are Oprah fans out there who are waiting for her to tell them what to do next. Grabbing a cup of tea will be the answer.

Check out the article and discussion on Retail Wire.


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